Anna Schlüter


T +49 151 113 509 85

Focal points

As a social and experiential educator, my focus is on human interaction. As a criminologist, I enrich my understanding of social-emotional processes with analytical, holistic thinking. In consistency, I use both by giving teams the opportunity to try things out, grow from conflicts and thus make sustainable decisions. Transparency, clarity and mindfulness are particularly important to me in my work in order to establish value-adding cooperation in the long term.

What I appreciate about consistency is that I can actively contribute to my project environment by working on meaningful and far-reaching tasks. This gives me the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the transformation of organizations.

I find relaxation and balance in making music with friends, immersing myself in novels and thrillers or being active in the gym.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

Alan Wilson Watts

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