Benjamin Olabamidele


T +49 151 113 560 70

Focal points

“The only constant in life is change” – a fundamental but meaningful principle. It reminds me to constantly re-evaluate and question situations, decisions and the status quo in a perpetual quest for continuous (self-)development.

Looking for a way to bring this principle to life and apply it in my work environment, I came across consistency – a company where reflection and continuous improvement are daily agenda items. In an effort to generate positive added value for everyone involved, passion, expertise and value creation are top priorities for all consistency employees.

During my studies, I worked in both intercultural and interdisciplinary teams. These experiences, together with my master’s focus on consulting, organizational change and leadership, gave me a framework that I regularly use when dealing with people. People are always at the center: as decision makers, change agents and innovation seekers.
It is inevitable to align your core competencies with people – exactly what consistency is all about.

consistency offers flexibility, freedom and trust – an attitude that I greatly appreciate. Entrepreneurial thinking and action are not restricted and offer the opportunity to develop tailor-made solutions for the customer and for my own personal development.

Outside of work, I feel at home in all kinds of sporting activities: from soccer and boxing to beach volleyball. I’m also a passionate amateur chef and ambitious host who cooks for friends and family with dishes from a wide variety of cultures.

„The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.“

Warren Buffet

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