Coaching & Training

Our service portfolio includes training and coaching in the areas of modern working methods, leadership, digitalisation and transformation. We offer these services to managers, employees, teams and organisations across various industries. We always place particular emphasis on individual development and the promotion of each person’s potential.

Our expertise

In our coaching work, we focus on understanding and supporting the needs and goals of our coachees. We combine empathy and targeted questioning with a positive and empowering approach tailored to the individual character and environment of our clients. Our training courses are based on the latest scientific findings and provide practical application examples. This enables our participants not only to broaden their horizons but also to apply what they have learned in their daily working environment. Our diverse training formats are designed to promote knowledge transfer and interaction, making theoretical content tangible.

Every individual development path is as unique as the people themselves. That is why it is important to us that we support every development path in our coaching and training sessions and promote direct implementation in their day-to-day work.

Tobias Stefan

Our approach



Executive coaching

consistency’s personal and needs-oriented coaching sessions strengthen managers in their leadership competence and help them develop their leadership skills. Whether in individual coaching sessions or on-the-job training, we accompany our clients on their development journey, providing them with practical tools to successfully move forward.


Transformational coaching

Change processes present organisations with a variety of challenges, from the realignment of goals and values to the transformation of culture and working methods. We support organisations in these transformation processes, offering individual coaching and support to facilitate sustainable change.


Team coaching

Every team faces various challenges at different stages of development, from strengthening team cohesion to improving team dynamics and developing more effective ways of working. consistency has extensive experience in leading teams at different stages of development – helping them self-reflect, set goals, optimise performance, and promote positive collaboration.


Roles coaching

In tailored 1:1 coaching sessions and communities of practice, we work on refining current role and aligning areas of responsibility with personal skills. We harmonise expectations and skills to ensure that the role can be filled in the best possible way.




Agile working focuses on value-oriented and customer-centric work, creating the basis for a cultural change and promoting a mindset of self-organisation, openness and transparency. We offer the following training formats: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Coach, Agile Leader, Agile Basics, Agile Project Management, Design Thinking and OKR.



Lean methods not only concentrate on optimising or building processes and procedures, but also place a strong focus on customer needs. Increasing productivity leads to higher customer satisfaction, while agile values such as transparency and commitment can be actively implemented. Our training formats include Kanban, Lean Start Up and DevOps.


Digitalisation & Innovation

Now more than ever, organisations and people are required to embrace digitalisation and adapt to changes such as remote work. Continuous development of skills and mindsets is essential. That is why consistency provides support on topics such as remote work awareness, digital awareness, and remote meetings.

Further services

Any questions?

Arrange a personal consultation now and let our experts advise you. We will be happy to give you an insight into current projects and talk about your specific ideas and needs.

Karolin Oertzen