
Insights into the experiences and viewpoints of a management consultancy

Learn more about our project work and our attitude towards Agile

5 reasons why you should start using design sprints today

From idea to action in just 4 days.

Agile business model development for B2B energy monitoring

Creating sustainable innovation through agile management

An agile journey

From evolutionary transformation to a revolutionary business model

Blueprint for success

Agile transformation as a blueprint for business success?

Energy industry – Agile offshore project

SAP implementation - Success with agile offshore teams

Energy industry – Agile SAP project

Agile project brings substantial performance improvements

Energy industry – Agile transformation at RWE Vertrieb AG

On course for success with agile project management in SCRUM

Energy industry – Business Model Generation

Future-proof Re-positioning for the Opening Swiss Energy Market

Energy industry – New worlds of work

Rock it Lean – A New “Operating System” Revolutionizes Cooperation in a Utilities Company

Energy Industry – SAP IS-U Common Layer Introduction

Successful Introduction of Standardised Market Communication Processes through SAP IS-U Common Layer and Agile Software Development

Energy industry – Smart meter rollout

The best of both worlds - the smart meter rollout proves that agility and stability are not mutually exclusive

Energy.ONE – Sachsenenergie

How a standardized IT infrastructure can promote collaboration across company divisions.

Financial sector – Agile coaching

Agility Convincingly Implemented – Pilot Project of an IT Subsidiary Requests Agile Corporate Transformation


Challenges and opportunities for energy suppliers in the context of the smart meter rollout

Harmonization of SAP landscapes: The path to S/4 HANA implementation as part of the merger

A strong team, leadership and expertise are required to implement such a mammoth project in line with targets.

How the IEA plans to achieve net zero emissions by 2050

The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 ºC in the long term, preferably to 1.5 ºC.

How to successfully establish test management in an iterative SAP project

Test management poses many challenges and pitfalls in terms of coordination and implementation.

Remote work in lockdown

We have reviewed the last few months and summarized what has helped us in this regard

Standardized customer interface

The path to a digital world - a standardized customer interface makes it possible

Why Scrum and Kanban do not contradict each other?

It is not absolutely necessary to choose one or the other option at the beginning of an agile organizational transformation.