
Workpath is the outcome management platform that helps organizations define and achieve their most important goals by improving cross-departmental collaboration and strategy execution.

Building a Better World Together The mission of FRIENDS in BUSINESS is to build a better world through collaboration, support, and shared resources. We are together visionary and realistic, as we live and apply our values day-in day-out. We believe that good people meet good people, and that good business generates more business! For further questions get in contact with Werner Weiss.

Our partner Puricity LLC specializes in the provision of IT infrastructure and platform-independent end-to-end solutions. Puricity helps its customers to work more effectively and increase their productivity through technology and user-friendly solutions. Puricity’s own understanding goes beyond that of a simple solution provider.

sparqs is an internationally active consulting company. Its services range from the analysis of business processes and the provision of feasibility and optimization concepts to the implementation of its own solutions using both standard software and individual in-house developments.

Our partner elpix is a consulting company that has been active on the market for more than 15 years and is particularly successful in meeting these challenges. The focus is on projects in the areas of IT services and IT security.

Any questions?

Arrange a personal consultation now and let our experts advise you. We will be happy to give you an insight into current projects and talk about your specific ideas and needs.