
Our contribution to sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations define 17 goals that build on the principle of “Leave no one behind” and set an agenda to achieve sustainable global development for every person on the planet by 2030. consistency wants to be part of this movement and use its core competencies to contribute to and actively shape a more sustainable and people-centred society. We also want to inspire our environment to also actively contribute to sustainable development.

Experience has taught us that focusing on a few essential goals is indispensable in order to achieve them and to be able to act in a target-oriented manner. Therefore, we have chosen three SDGs to which we can contribute the most based on our experience and expertise:

Increase quality of education

… because we know from our expertise that quality education and lifelong learning are the key to sustainable progress and success.


Reduce inequalities

… because it is at the core of our identity that every person is treated equally and we practice this principle on a daily basis.


Tackle climate change

… because we bear responsibility for our footprint and want to take the chance we are given to make an active contribution to achieving the climate goals.

Any questions?

Arrange a personal consultation now and let our experts advise you. We will be happy to give you an insight into current projects and talk about your specific ideas and needs.

Julian Vincentz