Karolin Oertzen


T +49 151 113 560 22
M karolin.oertzen@consistency.de

Focal points

Digital business card

In everyday life, we often act out of habit. Only by taking a “step back” can we realize that a different course of action may be necessary in order to achieve a goal. I enjoy helping people to take this step and giving them a new perspective on a situation.

As a psychologist, I am inspired by people and their motivation to perform at their best. Successful change processes require employees who enjoy working for their company and identify with it.

Our work with agile methods creates a transparent process in which we stay on the same path together through direct feedback processes. The resulting flexibility and independence of teams leads to adaptability to changing circumstances. This creates motivation and quality.

I find my personal inspiration for my daily tasks with my family and friends. I also find balance in baking and listening to good music.

„Old ways won‘t open new doors“

Author unknown

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