Laura Neumann


T +49 151 113 507 61

Focal points

Digital business card

Passion is what I have been looking for for a long time and have now found at consistency! The motivation and energy of each individual is immediately infectious and inspires us to turn visions into reality.

It is important to me to constantly rekindle my own passion through the versatility of consulting, the unique form of collaboration and continuous development. It is a matter close to my heart to support other people in (re)discovering and developing their personal passion in order to enable joy in work, efficiency and innovation to ensure long-term success together.

During my studies in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and International Management and Psychology, I was often confronted with modern management methods and ways of working. However, it was only through international and interdisciplinary collaboration in a wide variety of teams in my professional life to date that I realized the added value that an agile mindset and innovative methods bring.

consistency’s approach of supporting our customers as a reliable partner, rather than a simple service provider, in order to meet the challenges of the constantly changing world of work together, is a philosophy with which I fully identify. In this way, immense added value can be achieved sustainably on the basis of partnership-based cooperation, combined with years of experience and entrepreneurial passion.

In my free time, you are very likely to find me out in the fresh air. Whether it’s hiking, mountain biking, skiing or simply going for a long walk, it helps me to recharge my batteries, gain perspective and be consciously grateful. As my family and friends come first for me, I am all the more pleased that there is no clear dividing line between work and private life at consistency.

„Life is from the inside out. When you shift on the inside, life shifts on the outside.“

Kamal Ravikant

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