Episode 1

Mindfulness: What is it?

In this interview, Hannah explains the importance of mindfulness, gives practical everyday tips and explains how to stay calm and aware in stressful moments. Find out why mindfulness should become your valuable superpower and what roles patience and flexibility play in this.

Episode 2

Stress management ABC: The basics

In this interview, Kristin explains what stress means and how it affects you. She introduces the Lazarus transactional model, which shows how we can evaluate stressful situations and utilise our resources. Find out why consciously smiling can reduce stress and what the Superman pose has to do with it.

Episode 3

Mindfulness in everyday life

In this interview, Hannah dispels misconceptions about mindfulness, shows how to mindfully accept unpleasant feelings and explains body scan meditation. Find out why mindfulness is particularly important in our hectic world and how it can help you to live more calmly.