Monika Munzinger


T +49 151 113 560 15
M monika.munzinger­­

Focal points

Digital business card

For me, agility is not just a fascinating trend, but the future of our working world. The fact that agile processes are more transparent and faster and employees feel self-efficacy through active responsibility makes companies more successful and sustainable. In my view, the most important prerequisites for this are partnership, trust and the ability to learn new things and boldly pursue one’s goals.

My aim is to manage my client projects with passion and openness, while at the same time ensuring careful planning and a clean, methodical approach.

Continuous professional development is very important to me, which is why I am constantly dealing with new topics. I am also responsible for internal knowledge management at consistency.

I prefer to spend my free time with my family.

„If you can dream it, you can do it.“

Walt Disney

More C's

Julian Vincentz
Sofie Dschaak
Joanna Ibsch
Anna-Maria Runde
Matthias Eden
Svenja Speen
Alexander Elia
Martina Munzinger
Christian Schnürmacher
Thomas Müller
Laura Neumann
Steven Flemm
Christian Hertfelder
Makeesha Eden