Standardized customer interface

The path to a digital world - a standardized customer interface makes it possible

Digitization at Westnetz GmbH

The energy transition presents various challenges for companies in the energy industry. Increasing competitive pressure in the market demands a stronger customer focus. Westnetz GmbH rose to the occasion and launched a digitalisation project using the agile Scrum framework.


Westnetz GmbH, one of the largest distribution network operators in Germany, set itself the goal of creating a standardised customer interface (eKuSS). The project focused on cross-divisional processing of service processes and a uniform external image. The central goals were stronger customer orientation, a high degree of automation, and the digitalisation of input channels


The iterative approach based on the Scrum framework enabled continuous customer feedback and promoted close integration between IT development and the specialist department. Four scrum teams were established, focusing on a new website, a new service portal, a document recognition tool and the introduction of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system (Customer Relationship Management Tool). consistency supported the teams in the role of Scrum Master. In particular, this role involved coaching and supporting the Scrum teams in translating the theoretical approach into practice. Furthermore, cross-team coordination and communication was established through scaling approaches.


The implementation of a future-oriented project using the Scrum framework has prompted a rethinking within the organisation. The employees were actively involved in co-designing the introduced systems through independent planning and execution of tasks, which were highly valued within the company.

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