Sven Riedel


T +44 7823 53 00 28

Focal points

Digital business card

Managing Director UK

In our daily work together, it is important to me to understand people and their motivations and to analyze problems rationally before we look for the right solutions together with customers and partners. The focus is always on creating improvements that provide our customers with sustainable added value in order to be successful in their business. In my view, agile methods and organizations are an excellent way of doing this, focusing on people with problem-solving skills, creativity and responsibility.

In over 15 years in the energy and IT industry, I was able to gain a lot of experience and know-how through projects in Europe and in a management position at one of the largest energy suppliers in Europe. I have been living and working in England for several years. Together with the great people and colleagues at consistency, we will establish another mainstay for consistency here.

I find the best balance to my job with my family, my 3 children and lots of friends. In terms of sport, I enjoy cycling on trails and paths and in winter I’m always drawn to the mountains for skiing.

The best way your predict the future, is to create it.”

Abraham Lincoln

More C's

Christian Hertfelder
Alexander Elia
Kristin Ibsch
David Diehl
Anna-Maria Runde
Christian Schnetzer
Thomas Müller
Rohat Lacin
Janne Uhlich
Inan Altun
Matthias Eden
Daniel Ramscheid
Julian Vincentz
Ralf Hassel