Kristin Ibsch


Area of expertise

Our world is turning faster and faster, is dynamic and always volatile. Trends, innovations and customer needs are changing by the minute. This fast pace spurs me on in my daily work at consistency, because change makes growth possible – especially when it comes to the all-too-crucial “people” factor. Together with our customers, I want to actively shape their journey and stand by their side. Efficient communication, constructive feedback and mutual trust are loyal companions along the way.

For this reason, I have acquired particular expertise in the field of creative media and communication concepts and agile project management as part of my academic career. My Master’s degree in Business Consulting Digital Management has also enabled me to incorporate specialist input in business process management and digital technologies.

At consistency, I particularly appreciate the fact that I am confidently supported on my individual journey and that there is a consistent focus on the professional and personal development of all employees.

I find my balance to everyday working life at a tennis match or at home and away games of my favorite soccer club.

“Standing still is a step backwards”

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